Wednesday 17 July 2013

History of UMM

The University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) was founded in 1964 and was one of the charity efforts of Muhammadiyah.
At that time, UMM had just opened three faculties, including; Law, Economics and Teacher Training and Education (Islamic Education Department).
During the years 1968-1975, UMM opened two faculties which were Social and Political Science and Islamic Studies.
In 1975-1977, UMM opened two more faculties Agriculture and Engineering.
The number of faculties then remained the same until 1983.
During the period 1983 to 2000 UMM opened several faculties including: Psychology, Animal Husbandry, D-3 Nursing and Medical.
The Pharmacy program then became part of the Faculty of Health Sciences in 2007.
Furthermore, in 2009 the leader of UMM merged the Faculty of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry-Fishery which became the Faculty of Agricomplex to accord with a consortium of Agricultural Sciences.

As one of the leading universities in East Java, UMM were now able to manage more than 18,000 active students who came from all parts of Indonesia.
UMM also included international students from Australia, Singapore, Malaysia, and East Timor.
Although UMM is an Islamic university the religious background of students is not an issue.
Many UMM student's religion extends across Hindus, Buddhists, Christian, and Catholic.

UMM are always updating facilities to enhance the student's learning experience: building development lectures, laboratories, facilities of computer, intranet access  and internet using optic fiber and hotspot areas.
In addition the university developed a digital library which is equipped with online journals, audio-visual, and other scientific information resources which incorporated the Indonesian Digital Library Network (IDLN).

UMM developed several business units which are expected to create financial help for the university without burdening students with high tuition fees.
Some units are already running a profitable business which include: UMM Press, Book Store, UMM Dome, Hotel University Inn, and a motorcycle shop.
In the near future UMM have plans to build a Teaching Hospital, Petrol Station, Simple Rent Student Housing, Shopping Mall and others.

Perkembangan Studi PGSD - FKIP UMM

Program studi Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar (PGSD),didirikan  pada tahun 2007 Berdasarkan SK Dirjen Dikti Depdiknas No: 1928/D/T/2007 . Program studi ini mempunyai visi menjadi program studi yang unggul dalam menghasilkan calon guru SD yang beretika dan mempunyai nilai- nilai moral, menguasi sains dan teknologi serta mengembangan inovasi  pendidikan.
Program PGSD jenjang sarjana (SI) hadir sebagai upaya untuk merespon (1) tuntutan masyarakat akan adanya peningkatan kualitas akademik tenaga pendidik dan (2) amanat undang-undang No.14 th 2005 tentang guru dan Dosen. Penyelenggaraan pembelajaran Program Studi  PGSD di Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang, didukung oleh para Dosen yang berpengalaman dan berpendidikan S2 dan S3 baik dari dalam maupun luar negeri. Disamping itu, dalam rangka mencetak lulusan yang professional telah disiapkan berbagai fasilitas pendukung yang berupa Laboraorium Microteaching , Laboratorium Komputer, Laboratorium Bahasa, Laboratorium Drama, Ruang Pembelajaran Multimedia. Program studi juga memfasilitasi laboratorium outdoor untuk praktek kerja mahasiswa dengan menjalin kerjasama dengan Pusat Studi Kependudukan dan Lingkungan (PSLK) dan Bimbingan Konseling (BK).